17 July 2013

Featured in a Publication, Me!

The Chris O'Brien Lifehouse at RPA [that big new building on Missenden Rd] have an article with me in their Winter Update! I wrote it actually - "Be positive and write about it"
Of course the magazine is about fund-raising and raising awareness for those 1000s of people who pass thru the RPA facilities every year. Too many.

Some make it, some don't. Thats just the way it is. I'm one of the lucky ones.

The article will be available online soon. And you'll be able to see my ever-hopeful countenance beaming from the virtual page. Jeez I'm handsome. I'll update this page when it's available.

I do have nothing but admiration for the dedicated and generous staff of the Head and Neck clinic and RPA generally. Maybe the Lifehouse is a worthy recipient of any donations you might have lying around the house…

Watch this space
- S P A C E -

Link - http://www.lifehouserpa.org.au/